Hot Tubs

The Benefits of Hot Water

Warm water reminds our bodies of the calm quiet time before we were born and gives us a feeling of complete relaxation and well-being. There is no better way to relax than to sit back in the healing waters of a hot tub. The hot, swirling water of the tub gives you new energy, and a way to escape the stresses of everyday life.

The therapeutic value you get from your tub activates your immune system and causes the production of endorphins, the bodies natural pain killers, while the jets massage stiff muscles, and help relieve the aches and pains from your neck, back and feet.

The hot water raises your blood pressure slightly, making more blood flow to your skin. The temperature of your blood rises, expanding the blood vessels making your blood pressure drop back again. The warmed blood penetrates deeper into the tissue below the skin, bringing more oxygen. As more blood vessels expand, you notice a soothing sensation. Your muscles start to relax and rid themselves of carbon dioxide and toxins, as your body produces more white blood cells, which activates your immune system. Endorphins are released, melting away aches and pains

Stress affects your physical and mental balance. Imbalance can lead to health related problems, like lack of sleep. If left long enough, we can experience feelings of fatigue and irritability. Many will needlessly reach for medication, instead twenty minutes relaxing in your hot-tub every other day before going to sleep will help the stress of the day dissolve away to help you feel refreshed and renewed.

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