DIY Install you own swiming pool

DIY The Cost Effective Alternative.

Installapool sell a superb range of "easy to install" swimming pool kits. All our kits come as a complete package, with polymer resin panels guaranteed for 50 years, patterned liner, professional sand filtration system, light, skimmers, sump drain, returns, felt for under liner for " soft feel " base, full maintenance kit and plumbing installation kit.

There is a wide range of sizes and shapes to choose from, as you will see in our gallery and also a range of optional extras are available such as walk in step units, winter covers, summer cover and stainless steel/aluminum wheeled roller, aluminum coping (for easy to install terracing), robot cleaners and salt water chlorination to name but a few. We provide on loan, a full instruction video in either English or French which gives you full instructions, from the best possible position to site your pool and digging the hole to installing the liner and filling up the pool. Also each kit comes with full written installation instructions.We guarantee you will not find an easier kit to install in ground anywhere.

You might also like to consider installing a salt-water pool as opposed to an out dated chlorine pool. The benefits of a salt water pool are numerous, including, no more smelly bodies, no more hair discolouration, cleaner, fresher and clearer water, much easier pool maintenance, no more costly chemicals to buy, helps keep skin in good condition, is normally beneficial to those with skin problems and is totally environmentally friendly (unlike chlorine which is breaking down the ozone layer). As to the saltiness of the water, the taste is barely perceptible as the solution is half as salty as your tears.

If like us you like to get the most from your investment, why not extend your swimming season by several months. Three cost effective options are available, solar heating heat exchangers and heat pumps. As professionals we are expert in all these heating systems and would be pleased to advise you on the best way to heat your pool and give you a quotation.

As we have mentioned before, we have a wide range of styles, shapes and designs to choose from. We would also recommend you have one of our walk in step units for easy access into the pool. With a kit and unsurpassed service from us, you can be confident you have not only purchased the best pool kit available on the market but can look forward to many years of trouble free use.

Specialists in installing Permalife swimming pools. Suppliers of Beachcomber & Sapphire Spas in France Phone (+33) (0)5 49 97 10 44 Email: